'OFF THE COURT' an Exhibition Featuring Designs by Youth at PVD Recreation Centers!

Where: The Gallery at City Hall, 25 Dorrance St. | Second floor , Providence, RI 02903
On View: On View: Thursday, October 21 2021 - Wednesday, January 19 2022, Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 4:30pm (City Hall hours)

Description: Providence Recreation Centers are recognized for their breadth of sports programs, but they're also home to a variety of creative and educational offerings!

This exhibition, hosted by the City of Providence's Department of Art Culture + Tourism (AC+T), showcases work made by youth at seven different recreation centers during Summer 2021. In collaboration with staff from P3, RISD Museum art educators visited each center and worked with young artists to design shoes that represent their personal style.

Some youth took their work home, while others shared one shoe with RISD and one with the recreation center where it was created. This display of RISD's collection of creations at City Hall highlights the artistry of young people in Providence and celebrates the Recreation center communities that encourage a culture of creativity.

The exhibition was organized by the City of Providence’s Department of Art, Culture + Tourism - in partnership with the City of Providence’s Recreation Department, the RISD Musuem and P3.

For more information about the exhibition, please click here.

The Partnership (P3)